Euramobil motorhome windows
In 1959, Heinz Blessing's, Blessing KG starts producing caravans under his family name.

In 1969 Gerhard Meier KG takes over the company and renames the caravans Eura. On July 16, 1982, Gerhard Meier GmbH & Co goes bankrupt, but then a number of former employees take over the company and in 1983 Eura Mobil starts producing mainly motorhomes. In 1994 the production of caravans is resumed. No more than 600 units are produced each year and only 300 units by 1995. After 1997, caravans were stopped again. In 2000, Eura Mobil takes over the trademark and rights of Karmann Mobil. In 2005 Trigano takes over Eura Mobil and its daughter Karmann Mobil.
Ordering caravanwindow for EuramobilDoes your Euramobil camper need new camper windows? Please contact Willemsen Caravans. We are happy to help you with the purchase and installation of the new window. You can contact us via the contact page or by filling in the quotation form on the website. On this quotationform you need to describe your window in detail so that we can find the right window for your Euramobil camper.