Dethleffs caravan windows
In 1931 Arist Dethleffs builds a caravan for himself, named: Wohnauto. In 1936 he started production to order in his father's factory: Isnyer Peitschenfabrik, founded in 1832 (Peitsche = whip). After the war, Arist Dethleffs cautiously restarted in 1948, after which series production began in 1951. In 1971 TE Caravans takes over Dethleffs.

In 1980 Messrs Thurn and Eicker (TEC) and Erwin Hymer set up CMC. The TEC, Hymer and Dethleffs brands were incorporated here. In 1983 Erwin Hymer acquires the exclusive rights of CMC. From that time on, the TECs have also been produced at Dethleffs for about ten years until they are transferred to sister LMC in 1995. Arist Dethleffs dies on February 14, 1996 at the age of 88. In 2006 Dethleffs and Hymer set up a new factory (Capron) in Neustadt for the production of caravans and motorhomes in a lower price range (Sunlight).
Ordering caravanwindow for Dethleffs
Does your Dethleffs caravan need new caravan windows? Please contact Willemsen Caravans. We are happy to help you with the purchase and installation of the new window. You can contact us via the contact page or by filling in the quotation form on the website. On this quotation form you need to describe your window in detail so that we can find the right window for your Dethleffs caravan.